Friday, July 27, 2012


First of all, I'd like to thanks to Allah SWT who give me chance to create this entry. Let's discuss about my classmates.... I have 5 classmates only..they are Kevin Rohan Ulfa Tiara and Vena.. Kevin : He's nice, he is tall and he is big, but there is something I don't know about him.. Why he so weak.. The reason I said that was because he always bullied by other people but there is no self defense from him. And I think in the lessons like math, he have some potential but he just don't know it.. Rohan : He's Indian boy, he's nice and also funny... Ulfa : She is indonesian, she is the quietest student in my class, I don't know why, but my advice to her is more practice in English language.. Tiara : She also have potential but, she's not confidence enough .. Vena : She is nice, I'm not really know her Sorry for some hurting words.. That's only my advice and comment.. :)

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